
I have installed mysql-server and mysql-workbench on my local machine having Ubuntu 16.04 as OS. I am able to connect to mysql-server through CLI, but not through mysql-workbench.

mysql --version

mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.12, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper

mysql-workbench --version

MySQL Workbench CE (GPL) 6.3.6 CE build 511

I am consistently getting this error from mysql-workbench when i try to connect to mysql-server.

Unsupported option provided to mysql_options()

please help me to understand what i am doing wrong to fix this issue i.e. to get connected to mysql-server through mysql-workbench.


The server variable mysql_old_password protocol is no longer supported by Workbench, as its support was removed in MySQL Server 5.7. This affects the former "Use old authentication protocol" SSH connection option in the MySQL Workbench which causes the error

Unsupported option provided to mysql_options()

while you have attempted to establish the connection via workbench. So upgrade MySQL-Workbench to any newer version to avoid this error.

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MySQL WorkBench提供 DBA 和开发人员的综合的工具的环境︰ 数据库设计与建模 SQL 开发 数据库管理 数据库迁移 最近测试了workbench,发现非常好用,尤其支持Mysql配置文件的管理。 安装也非常简单,直接在官网下载安装对应系统的版本。 如果是windows系统要注意安装运行环境.NET4和VC2013 运行成


故事背景: 很久很久以前(2017.6.5,文章有其时效性,特别是使用的工具更新换代频发,请记住这个时间,若已经没有价值,一切以工具官方文档为准),下了个mysql版本玩玩,刚好最新是mysql5.7.18,本机是win10、64位系统。大抵步骤分为: 1、下载:以官网(https://www.mysql.com)为准,download响应系统版本

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原文:https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/auto-reconnect.html 当向mysql server发送statement时,mysql客户端发现连接失效后会自动尝试重新连接server。如果"自动重连"状态是enabled,客户端尝试连接server,并在连接成功后重新发送statement.

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