
力扣高频SQL 50题(基础版)第二十二题

1084 销售分析


表: Product


| Column Name | Type |


| product_id | int |

| product_name | varchar |

| unit_price | int |


product_id 是该表的主键(具有唯一值的列)。




| Column Name | Type |


| seller_id | int |

| product_id | int |

| buyer_id | int |

| sale_date | date |

| quantity | int |

| price | int |

±----- ------±--------+


product_id 是 Product 表的外键(reference 列)。


编写解决方案,报告 2019年春季 才售出的产品。即 2019-01-01 (含)至 2019-03-31 (含)之间出售的商品。

任意顺序 返回结果表。




Create table If Not Exists Product (product_id int, product_name varchar(10), unit_price int)
Create table If Not Exists Sales (seller_id int, product_id int, buyer_id int, sale_date date, quantity int, price int)
Truncate table Product
insert into Product (product_id, product_name, unit_price) values ('1', 'S8', '1000')
insert into Product (product_id, product_name, unit_price) values ('2', 'G4', '800')
insert into Product (product_id, product_name, unit_price) values ('3', 'iPhone', '1400')
Truncate table Sales
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('1', '1', '1', '2019-01-21', '2', '2000')
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('1', '2', '2', '2019-02-17', '1', '800')
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('2', '2', '3', '2019-06-02', '1', '800')
insert into Sales (seller_id, product_id, buyer_id, sale_date, quantity, price) values ('3', '3', '4', '2019-05-13', '2', '2800')
with t1 as (select product_id from Sales where sale_date >'2019-03-31')
select p.product_id,p.product_name from Sales s,Product p where s.product_id=p.product_id and
        s.product_id not in (select product_id from Sales where sale_date not between '2019-01-21' and '2019-03-31')


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