
Oracle EBS APP-FND-02901: you don't have privilege to any operating unit

APP-FND-02901: 您没有访问任何业务实体的权限。请检查您的配置文件选项“MO:安全性配置文件”是否包括任何业务实体,或是否设置了配置文件选项“MO:业务实体”。
APP-FND-02901: you don't have privilege to any operating unit
You should verify the setup for the profiles MO: Security Profile and HR: Security Profile
    Responsibility:  System Administrator
    Navigation:  Profile > System > Profiles HR: Security Profile and MO: Security Profile must have the same setup
Run the security list maintenance concurrent program , you can run it for all security profiles (Details in Doc ID 1962912.1 ) and retest the organization load data pump.
To run the Security List Maintenance Process:
1. In the Name field, select Security List Maintenance.
2. In the Parameters window, enter the date for which you want to run the report in the Effective Date field. If you do not enter a date the process runs for the current system date.
3. In the Generate lists for field, select the range of security profiles for which you want to run the process. You can choose to update:
    • All Global Security Profiles (all profiles created using the Global Security Profile window)
    • All Security Profiles
    • All Security Profiles in One Named Business Group
    • One Named Security Profile
    Security Rules 1-59
    • One Specified User in One Named Security Profile
4. If you have selected All Security Profiles in One Named Business Group, select a business group.
5. If you have selected One Named Security Profile, select a security profile.
6. If you have selected One Specified User in One Named Security Group, select a security profile and the user name.
7. In the Process field, select the type of people to be processed. You can choose from the following values:
   • Current people only
   • Terminated people only
   • Current and Terminated people
-- 刘轶鹤
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ebs r12 hr: security profile-爱代码爱编程

【转】EBS R12 HR: Security Profile                          在EBS之中,有很多的配置选项(profile),系统管理员只需要对它们做一些简单的配置,就可以达到控制流程开关、安全访问、个人喜好等等方面的要求。 以HR:


EBS-安全性配置文件的作用、定义及使用   1、路径:HRMS->安全性->配置文件  在MOAC中主要是使用按组织限制访问,在按组织访问设置的过程中该处定义的OU既是多OU的根本。 安全性配置文件的类型如下图所示,按组织层次结构和(或)组织列表列出的安全组织,就能实现多OU操作。 按组织层次结构和(或)组织列表列出的安全组织:

oracle ebs应用产品安全性-数据访问权限集-爱代码爱编程

定义 数据访问权限集是一个重要的、必须设定的系统配置文件选项。对具有相同科目表、日历和期间类型的分类帐及其所有平衡段值或管理段值的定义读写权限,系统管理员将其分配至不同的责任以控制不同的责任对分类帐数据的访问。 可以定义以下三种类型的数据访问权限集: ·         全部分类帐:授予分类帐中所有数据的访问权限。例如,在具有两个分类帐(

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路径:HRMS->[查看]-[请求](Alt+V+R)MOAC-Multi-Org Access Control概念 MOAC即为大家所熟知的多组织访问控制,是EBS通过配置安全访问配置文件实现一个职责对多个OU进行操作。安全配置文件可以控制访问多个OU,但是在实际业务中可能用户无需访问Security Profil

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