
In recent decades, blockchain has shown a blowout trend of development. In the process of development, many people regard the kernel spirit of blockchain as "decentralization" as the standard. Based on this, new technologies and application innovations are constantly emerging, bringing earth-shaking changes to the whole traditional technology system.

After years of trials and experiments, blockchain has not only made enormous development in the four major technologies of distributed ledger, non-encryption algorithm, smart contract and consensus mechanism, but also organically combined with other fields to create a new concept and model. Currently, IEO, ICO and DeFi are all typical representatives.

However, it is important to realize that rapid technological progress is not the core of the blockchain track, it is more important that it bring us the revolution in the relationship of production. And the "DAO spirit", which has been in the public eye recently and has attracted much attention, properly explains the essence and core of it.

Regarding DAO, many industry insiders have given high recognition and expectations, believing that "This is the first time in history that we have the ability, in a non-faith and anonymous way, to coordinate and collectively make a decision about something", and some people directly predicted that "a real blockchain project cannot be done without a DAO".

Why do DAO get such high evaluations? The fundamental reason is that DAO is completely different from the traditional corporate system, and it brings us more opportunities and possibilities.

Although the corporation system is one of the greatest inventions of modern times, its inherent nature is centralized, requiring a series of interacting contract terms to define the rules, which is undoubtedly rigid, single, and unable to play the role of timely incentive. Even if incentives work, it is hard to be absolutely fair and just. The emergence of DAO can effectively solve the pain points and difficulties existing in the traditional corporate system. The key to a "DAO organization" is not a process-based collaboration, nor is there any threshold or formula. DAO members can be distributed all over the world, and they may not know each other, but the community members just need to complete their own tasks, and then they can get the corresponding rewards. Future blockchain projects will also form a situation of "those who gain the DAO, gain the world".

For example, the recently developed X METAVERSE PRO project reflects this diversification of DAO, because X METAVERSE PRO collaboration is a typical "DAO way".

X METAVERSE PRO is an open financial agreement established by XDAO based on blockchain smart contracts. By issuing discounted treasury bonds to obtain permanent agreement liquidity, aiming to give continuous dividend rewards to all LP holders on the chain, so as to guarantee the stable growth of liquidity. At the same time, X METAVERSE PRO is also a non-profit organization foundation that distributes the tokens economy through the DAO protocol. All participants have voting rights in the project and can participate in the governance of the project's future ecology.

It's worth noting that X METAVERSE PRO keeps "inclusion" as a key word in its vision. X METAVERSE PRO pioneered the new DeFi + WEB 3.0 + DAO pool gameplay, which aims to incentive network through the sustainable cycle, combined with the important attribute of "fully open governance" of the DAO community, explore the nature of value in the metaverse. This is the ultimate embodiment of "DAO attributes".

In X METAVERSE PRO, users can earn tokens through IDO donations, participate in early team building and receive token incentives. At the same time, users can earn mining rights by completing quests or inviting airdrops, and inviting team members to participate in buying 50% discount bonds. The process of invitation is the process of getting dividends from DAO pool nodes. In this series of operations, users participate in the ecological construction of X METAVERSE PRO and obtain the corresponding rights and interests of ecological applications, which is a win-win situation.

Some people have predicted that "2020 belongs to DeFi, 2021 belongs to NFT, and 2022 will be the highlight of DAO". Thus, DAO has been regarded as one of the most potential directions in the future social organization structure.

However, the dark horse X METAVERSE PRO, which is emerging with a strong trend, has created a unique model of "double circulation and multiple ecological incentives", which is a new ecology integrating "DeFi + NFT + DAO + WEB 3.0", it will not only show the superiority of DAO ecology incisively and vividly, but also realize deflation destroyed and violent dividend in an all-round way to create multi-cycle income that truly benefits users.

We have reasons to believe that the current development of X METAVERSE PRO is just a "small sprout", and we will see more surprises in the future.

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目录 控制语句: 一、选择语句:if语句  二、选择语句:switch语句 三、循环语句:for循环 四、循环语句:while循环 五、循环语句:do while循环 六、转向语句:break 七、转向语句:continue 控制语句: 选择语句(分支语句):if语句、switch语句循环语句:for循环、while循环、do..wh