Talk is cheap. Show me the code.
class TestShareInstance{
var age:Int
static let shareInstane:TestShareInstance = TestShareInstance(age: 3);
private init(age:Int){
self.age = age;
1. swift在类中,类变量是能够保证线程安全,swift底层,static关键字的实际上是使用`dispatch_once`语法来实现的,如下一段swift编译中间产物SIL语言中的代码就能看到底层的实现.staic变量被声明为全局变量
// static TestShareInstance.shareInstane
sil_global hidden [let] @static main.TestShareInstance.shareInstane : main.TestShareInstance : $TestShareInstance
2.在get方法中获取变量调用了swift内嵌的builtin "once",实际上调用的是`swift_once`方法
/// Runs the given function with the given context argument exactly once.
/// The predicate argument must point to a global or static variable of static
/// extent of type swift_once_t.
void swift::swift_once(swift_once_t *predicate, void (*fn)(void *),
void *context) {
#if defined(__APPLE__)
dispatch_once_f(predicate, context, fn);
#elif defined(__CYGWIN__)
_swift_once_f(predicate, context, fn);
std::call_once(*predicate, [fn, context]() { fn(context); });
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